The Power of Om
As part of my yoga teacher training I was given the opportunity to practice chanting in a wooden, dome
like structure with 17 others. We chanted OM repeatedly for an hour, the sound was all encompassing, ethereal and
fascinating to be part of, truly a wonderful experience.
I have always been fascinated by sound, either through music or vibration. Ever since I was little, music has been part of my life and in particular singing. The first time I sang in a choir at the age of eight I was hooked by the power of voices as one, so for me the chance to practice group chanting was exciting but I appreciate this practice isn't for everyone so only add it to classes where people want it.
Creating a wave of sound
To begin the chant we all started roughly at the same pace and rhythm but within minutes it was a rolling wave of sound as some people were finishing an OM others were just starting, and this meant with the natural acoustics of the dome structure it made for an incredible sound. I was mesmerized and without doubt able to meditate in a way I had never experienced before. The sound penetrated my body from head to toe, I was in another world.
Sitting with silence
When silence finally descended upon us we sat for a further 15 minutes to allow what had just happened to sink in. I can honestly say I felt like I had tapped into a part of my brain I had seldom visited.
with these people helped unify us and bonded us as a group. As soon as I
felt the vibration of the chant and lost the sound of my own voice
amongst others I felt as one together and as one with the universe.
The rest of the day was like floating on air and by the time I did yoga that evening I was in a complete trance and able to practice yin at an even deeper level than I was used to. It was as if I had silenced one part of my brain and opened another.
Om is not just a sound or vibration. It is not just a symbol. It is the entire cosmos, whatever we can see, touch, hear and feel. Moreover, it is all that is within our perception and all that is beyond our perception. It is the core of our very existence. Amit Ray
I could not recommend the experience enough and feel there is so much more to be explored and researched in this area. The benefits appear to be very exciting and endless. The power of OM and chanting is beyond doubt a power within its self.
By Alexi, March 2023